Praise and criticism
Please use our for praise and criticism Contact form.
Our buses and trams cover around 9 million kilometers a year. Our employees do their best every day to offer you good service. In the event that something goes wrong on your journey, please contact us.
We take your suggestions, tips and criticism as an opportunity to critically question our service and to improve our service quality. Of course, we are also happy to receive praise, which we are happy to pass on to the employees.
In individual cases it may happen that the passenger and the transport company cannot agree on a difference of opinion in connection with the transport contract. If a written complaint does not lead to an acceptable result, you as a passenger have the option of contacting the local transport arbitration board. This is an independent institution of the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer center, the Association of German Transport Companies and transport companies from North Rhine-Westphalia.
Our company is a member of the local transport arbitration board. If you do not agree with our response to your complaint, you can contact us
Local transport arbitration board
Mintropstrasse 27, 40215 Düsseldorf
Tel: 0211 3809 380-
Fax: 0211 3809-678
info (at)
by post or via the Internet at
We agree to take part in arbitration proceedings before the local transport arbitration board. The appeal to the arbitration board is free and non-binding for you.