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Archived press releases

Important information about the start of school

With the start of the new school year, many pupils use buses for the first time on their way to and from school. It is important that “new” learner drivers discuss their first journeys in detail with their parents so that the children can get to know different driving alternatives. Most often there are several connections that the children can use on the way to school. In the electronic timetable information, all emergency vehicles that drive in addition to the start and end of school are indicated. The individual emergency vehicles can also be found on the STOAG website: Einsatzwagen.  

We recommend getting to the bus stop in good time, especially in the first few days, as the buses are quite full in the first week. This is because on the one hand parents accompany their children and on the other hand children first try out their individual driving options.  

In our customer centers there is a key fob with a plastic cover for all pupils in which the SchokoTicket fits. Simply pick it up for free and put it on your neck! So the SchokoTicket is always ready. Important to know: The SchokoTicket is only valid in conjunction with a valid photo ID - usually a student ID. The driver and ticket inspector know that in the first few days after school starts, not all students have a student ID and turn a blind eye if the ID is not yet available.