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Germany semester ticket

From the summer semester of 2024, the Germany semester ticket is available for €29,40 per month. Like the previous SemesterTicket, it is available from the respective university of applied sciences (from March 01.03.24st, 01.04.24) or from the university (from April XNUMXst, XNUMX).


Questions and answers about the Germany semester ticket

The ticket will be available from the summer semester of 2024 (March 01, 2024 for technical colleges, April 01, 2024 for universities).

The ticket initially costs 29,40 euros per month and therefore 176,40 euros per semester.

The Germany semester ticket is always valid for one semester. It cannot be canceled on a monthly basis.

All properly enrolled students at colleges and universities in the VRR that are listed in the NRW Higher Education Act receive the Germany Semester Ticket. Students with a severely disabled person's ID card or on a semester off as well as visiting students may also be eligible, provided that the groups of people mentioned may have travel authorization through their severely disabled person's ID card or are not enrolled as guest students. The prerequisite for receiving a Germany semester ticket is a contract between the college/university or the local General Student Committee (AStA) and a VRR transport company. 

The Germany semester ticket is not freely available. It is part of the so-called social contribution that students pay every semester for social and cultural services provided by the university. The administration of the college/university provides the ticket as a barcode ticket via the RIDE-Campus WEB app.

The Germany semester ticket is valid nationwide in all associations and with all local transport companies, unless regional exceptions have been announced. For example, you can use all local transport vehicles within the VRR, i.e. buses, trams, city trains and subways as well as S-Bahn trains, regional trains and 2nd class regional express trains. The ticket is not valid on long-distance transport (e.g. ICE, IC, EC, Eurostar, etc.). Private providers such as B. FlixTrain are excluded.
Photo ID and proof of eligibility must be carried. 

For the use of 1st class, the VRR offers the 1st class monthly ticket and the 1st class subscription ticket for 50,30 euros each (price status: January 1, 2024) per month. It enables the use of 1st class on local trains in the VRR. For journeys in 1st class on local trains throughout North Rhine-Westphalia, you can subscribe to the NRWupgrade 1st class for 72,50 euros per month (price as of January 1, 2024).

The Germany semester ticket does not include bicycles. If you regularly want to take a bike with you, you can buy the monthly bike ticket for the VRR area for 31,70 euros (price as of January 1, 2024) or you can subscribe to the NRWupgrade bicycle for 42,50 euros (price as of January 1, 2024) a month and take their bike on buses and trains throughout North Rhine-Westphalia.

No, the Deutschlandsemester ticket is personalized and cannot be passed on - regardless of whether the ticket is used via the app or as a chip card. Only the registered person is allowed to travel with the ticket. Photo ID must always be carried with you.

The colleges/universities are currently deciding whether they will switch to the Germany semester ticket or keep the regional VRR semester ticket. Your colleges/universities will inform you in good time when you will receive the ticket for the coming semester.