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Hotline24-hour HOTLINE: 0800 6 50 40 30** free of charge from all German networks
SB92 towards Fröbelplatz

Information for refugees

Here we provide you with important information that you need as a committed helper or as a refugee yourself for buses and trams:

Further information on tickets and purchasing tickets can be found under the menu item "Tickets".

If you want to buy your ticket on the bus, please have enough change ready. Drivers cannot always give change. In such cases, you will receive a voucher for the amount of change, which you can then redeem in our customer centers.

If you want to buy your ticket on the bus, please keep small change ready. The driver can't always give you back change. In such cases you receive a voucher from the bus driver which you can redeem at our customer centers again.

Si vous voulez acheter votre billet auprès le conducteur, s'il vous plaît faire l'appoint. Le conducteur ne peut pas toujours redonner le monnaie. In pareil cas vous recevez un bon de réduction que vous pouvez racheter à nos centers of the client alors.