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STOAG Job Ticket

The environment benefits - and so do the employees!

The  JobTicket is a benefit for companies and employees alike. And the environment also benefits, because the more employees use public transport, the less car exhaust pollutes the atmosphere. We offer different types of contract, which can be agreed upon from a purchase quantity of 30 tickets. In particular, we would like to recommend our major customer benefit program, in which you as an employer pay a subsidy towards travel expenses and we reward you with a discount from which your employees also benefit. 

It is also possible to order a DeutschlandTicket in the JobTicket. If the company pays a travel allowance of 25%, we grant an additional discount of 5% on the DeutschlandTicket. Here there are save Minimum purchase quantity so that all Oberhausen employers can offer this offer to their employees. If you have any questions about our JobTicket offers, please contact Stephanie Gaj on 0208 835-8503 (s.gaj (at)