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From January 1, 2024, there will be new ticket prices in the Rhein-Ruhr transport association. Do you still have tickets from 2023?

Departure control

Cash fare tickets purchased in 2023, such as single tickets, 4-hour, 24-hour and 48-hour tickets, additional tickets and bicycle tickets, are still valid for three months and can be used for journeys by bus and train in the respective area of ​​validity. Tickets purchased online remain valid beyond the three months.

Monthly tickets for January 2024 including the surcharges will only be issued at the new price level of January 1, 2024. 30-day tickets can be used beyond March 31, 2024 if the difference to the new ticket price is paid. Otherwise the ticket cannot be used after March 31, 2024.

Exchange policy

In addition, local transport customers can exchange old tickets in all customer centers and at some sales partners for tickets with the new price until December 31, 2025. You only pay the difference between the old and the new price.